Tabller Privacy Policy

Effective December 12, 2022

In this privacy policy, we want to help you understand how and why allmytour Co.,Ltd. ("allmytour,” "we” or "us”) collects, uses, and shares information about you when you use our sites, mobile apps, widgets, and other online products and services (collectively, the "Services") or when you otherwise interact with us or receive a communication from us.

We collect minimal information that can be used to identify you by default. If you want to just browse, you don't need an account. If you want to create an account to participate in a sub-community(“Tab”), we don't require you to give us your real name. We don't automatically track your precise location. You can share as much or as little about yourself as you want. You can create multiple accounts, update information as you see fit, or ask us to delete your information.

Any data we collect is used primarily to provide our services, which are focused on allowing people to come together and form communities, the vast majority of which are public. If you have questions about how we use your data, you can always ask us for more information.

What Information We Collect

Information You Provide to Us

We collect information you provide to us directly when you use the Services. This includes:

Account information

If you create a Tabller account, your account will have a username, which you provide or which was automatically generated. Your username is public, and it doesn't have to be related to your real name. You may need to provide a password, depending on whether you register using an email address or using a Single Sign-On (SSO) feature (such as Apple or Google).

When you use Tabller, you may provide other optional information. We may ask you to select interests (e.g. travel destinations, travel interests) to help create a home feed for you or to select communities to join. You may also provide other information, such as a bio, gender, age, location, or profile picture. This information is optional and may be removed at any time. We also store your user account preferences and settings. We may ask for such information prior to you creating a username or account to help improve your experience exploring Tabller.

Content you submit

We collect the content you submit to the Services. This includes your posts and comments including saved drafts, audio and videos you broadcast, your messages with other users (e.g., private messages, chats, and modmail), and your reports and other communications with moderators and with us. Your content may include text, links, images, gifs, audio, and videos.

Actions you take

We collect information about the actions you take when using the Services. This includes your interactions with content, like voting, saving, hiding, and reporting. It also includes your interactions with other users, such as following, friending, and blocking. We collect your interactions with communities, like your subscriptions or moderator status.

Transactional information

If you purchase products or services from us (e.g. Tabller Awesome), we may collect certain information from you, including your name, address, email address, phone number, and information about the product or service you are purchasing.

Other information

You may choose to provide other information directly to us. For example, we may collect information when you fill out a form, participate in Tabller-sponsored activities or promotions, apply for a job, request customer support, or otherwise communicate with us.

Information We Collect Automatically